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The German lady Ursula Haverbeck and the British lady Michèle Renouf
To begin, please see, on this blog, the account in French of May 9, 2018: En Allemagne, Ursula Haverbeck – âgée de près de 90 ans – vient d’être incarcérée pour révisionnisme (“In Germany, Ursula Haverbeck, at nearly 90 years of age, has just been imprisoned for revisionism”).
The revisionist Ursula Haverbeck, “the great German lady”, as her admirers call her, has been in prison in Bielefeld (North Rhine-Westphalia) since May 7. A great-grandmother, she will turn 90 on November 11. She is set to stand trial in another revisionist case in Hamburg on September 12. The distance between her place of detention and that city is more than 155 miles.
Lady Renouf, advised by barrister Wolfram Nahrath, informs us that the German authorities have decided to subject the prisoner to a veritable marathon voyage just before her approaching trial, to be held in a courtroom where, despite her inborn energy, she will risk arriving in rather poor physical condition. Leaving her prison in Bielefeld five or six days before the trial date, she will be stopping at five different prisons to spend the night! On each leg of the trip she will be in a crowded prison van, undergoing the regulation body search at each arrival point. Finally, in each of the five prisons, she will have to deal with new delinquents or criminals (see the 3m 12s video Ursula Haverbeck - Update).
Those who may wonder how the German authorities can even think of adopting such a harsh line of conduct will do well to remember that Germany, 73 years after her unconditional surrender of May 8, 1945, remains largely, with the presence still of numerous US military bases on her territory, an “occupied country”. She bows low, she believes or pretends to believe in what she is bidden to believe. And then, in any case, “the delirium of lying and believing is catching like the itch” (Céline).
The organisations claiming to represent the Jews prove to be ever more worried, and brutal. Since 1985 they have been in something of a panic. In January 1985 they observed Raul Hilberg’s devastating collapse as expert witness for the prosecution at the “first great Zündel trial in Toronto” (a collapse confirmed by his refusal, in writing, to appear again three years later at the “second great Zündel trial in Toronto”). Since then, the “Holocaust” religionists have experienced a major, enduring crisis that they vainly seek to ward off with increasingly senseless and fierce repression.
There is no doubt, however, that the revisionism of Ursula Haverbeck and Michèle Renouf will ultimately prevail. For historians there will remain the task of compiling a 20-tome Encyclopaedia of the Historical Lie of the Jewish Holocaust. In it will be found the names, in particular, of the judges who have disgraced themselves with such cynicism in convicting men and women who, in France, Britain, the United States, Canada and a good number of other countries, live, work and suffer for historical revisionism, that is, for one of mankind’s noblest intellectual adventures. This adventure will have known its “Righteous ones”, with Ursula Haverbeck and Lady Renouf figuring amongst them; the voluminous work will stand through the centuries ahead, like Horace’s “monumentum aere perennius”; it will be, let no-one doubt it, “a monument more lasting than bronze”.